Meet The Artist >

Karen “Kalena” Smart
Firstly, if you’re reading this, thank you. I believe it is important to understand the people and the products they create. Art is personal and unique and that’s why I like making artisan soap.
I was inspired to venture into soap making in 2015 when a trip to the Rocky Mountains, with my brother Rick, landed us in a soap shop. As a child, we used bar soaps because that’s all that was available at the time. Hey, I’m not that old!! I found the commercial bar soap smelled like chemicals, dried my skin out and always turned into a sloppy, gooey mess. When liquid soap became popular in the 80’s I switched to that. But still… chemicals in the ingredients, claims of anti-bacterial, yet moisturizing and I couldn’t pronounce half the ingredients…you get the point.
2015 transformed me. I purchased several bars of handcrafted soap, bath bombs, essential oils, lotions and perfumes and spent at least 30 minutes in the store although my brother seemed to have made his purchases in a record breaking 5 minutes including standing in line to pay.
I am a lover of art and have yearned to get away from my desk job and find my creative side. Making soap allows me to share my creative side with you and I love watching people’s faces light up when they see my soaps. I also enjoy the praise people give me for my creations. As with many of us, I have struggled with the ability to receive; this journey of soap making has opened my heart and mind to enjoy the praise and gratitude from people.
After further research and reading about cold process soap making, I gave it a whirl. Four months later I started “Kalena Mama’s Artisan Works, Inc.” Being an entrepreneurial woman is filled with highs and lows and I couldn’t do this without the help and support of my husband Dean. I’ve also received help in making the soaps from my mother Maxine and my niece Catherine. Dean the engineer of our team, helps and although he doesn’t say so, I think he enjoys it as well. It’s a science and an art form all in one.
Thank you for buying my soap. Enjoy it in good health.
Karen “Kalena” Smart